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9:00 AM

8 km


6:20 mi


COMMENTS: good old Turkey Trot... just been running for 2 weeks so decided not to go too fast... Mike took off with the first few rows while Nick and I ran back (after the gun) to use the porta-potties... ended up starting behind pretty much 7000 people... I dropped Nick pretty quickly and then started passing everyone... 6:22 first mile, 6:31 second mile, then a 6:15 average the rest of the way for a final time of 31:28 with a little bit of puking at the end (from my abs not being used to it)... did not feel too bad, good thing I am getting back in shape... Mike tied his PR with 29:36 and Nick ran 72(!!!) mins, 10 behind his dad :-)... decent race, I actually feel like racing again... very difficult to pass 1000's of people, kept weaving the whole time
