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COMMENTS: a bit more about the race... sore as hell today, especially in the hamstrings and right quad because I did not stretch thoroughly... my calves were tightening up after a mile into the race but they are not sore now... learning from the experience of Moonlight Run, I will not take off the day before races but rather take off the day after so I can recover, perhaps cross-training... then start to jog through the remaining soreness... I don't feel bad about yesterday's race, I think it was a natural step in the right direction... true, I expected to run faster but I guess I was misled by the "tempo runs" I had been doing-- they were almost flat-out effort... also, the hills and heat probably took more out of me than I think... at least I have a baseline time to pace my workouts... from here into May, I want to raise mileage into the 50's, so recovery days should be an hour... in terms of workouts, I think I should add a VO2 Max workout... I might alternate tempos so I have short one week and medium the next... there is a 5K/10K on campus on Sunday, I just might be there too
