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3:00 PM

3000 m


5:01 mi

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COMMENTS: first race of the outdoor season, 3000m at a quad meet b/w Princeton, Rutgers, Penn, and Villanova... 77* outside and pretty high humidity so it felt like hell... in the first heat, absolutely everyone died, running 20+ secs slower than they should have... decided to run conservative but that really didn't work out... in the heat was Kyle, Tom, Cameron, Pete, and a couple of Penn guys and a Villanova guy... we went out pretty hard, hitting 71, 2:22, 3:34 and then 4:49 at the mile... near the end of the third lap I began falling off and was running in last place... 2000 was in 6:10 and I was feeling absolutely horrible... somehow managed to hang on, passing a Nova kid and then Pete, who was dying major league... kicked it in the best I could, broke 10 (equivalent) first time since high school... subtracting the heat, the time wasn't at all bad but I could have run much faster if my head simply had been in the race (i.e. looking at how far ahead of me Kyle and Cameron finished)... maybe I'll try to hit this time at the 3K mark of the 5K on Friday
