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10:15 PM


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COMMENTS: Well this is the crossroads right here... outdoor season is officially over, had the banquet yesterday and handed in my uniform... planned training for the summer, strictly base running (strides 2x a week)-- next few weeks are 30, 40, 40, 30, 45, 45, 45, 35, 50, 50, 50, 40 with 3 or 4 races all summer... nick showed me his schedule today, it looked awfully like what i did last year... i tried to talk him out of it, seemed like he agreed to do my mileage... i don't want anyone else to get hurt the way i did, from over-ambition... just got a response back from Coach Samara, asking me for PRs... sent him some rosy numbers, crossed my fingers and hope for the best... Gym mile tomorrow, won't try too hard-- maybe just sub-5?... taking time off except for the gym mile, be back running on sunday
