Run: Trail Previous Next


9:00 AM

17.5 mi


13:42 mi


168 lb
166 bpm


68 F


9 / 10
6 / 10


2400ft up/down. Ran the first 9M round trip to Wildcat with the LMJS crew. Well, mostly behind them. Rolling hills with a couple of good ones we walked. Kind of hot and felt a little dehydrated and 'flat' right from the start. Back to the lake we stopped, refilled bottles from a fountain, ate a little and talked to a few LMJS people. (stopped watch during this). Set off by ourselves up to loop rd to Nimitz way. Decent hill we walked much of.

By Nimitz I was pretty dehydrated and derailing a little. Started to drink Cytomax from Patty's bottle. Drank more at inspiration pt and started to regain sanity.

Loop was grueling and not worth it. It was spectacular up there, but so much climbing, much of which had to be walked.

Run back to car was basically okay, with general fatigue and some knee and feet soreness.

Post run: Peets mocha fredo. Burrito. 10 min ice bath. 4 Advil. Nap.
