Run: Rolling Hills Previous Next


8:30 AM

10 mi


11:30 mi


119 lb


70 F


5 / 10
4 / 10
  • Map

Big Ridge


Ran with Diane today for the first time in about 6 weeks. We are both back from our respective holidays and it was most excellent to have her company again. I wonder if I have just been running alone too much and that fact has been a contributing factor to my malaise and poor performances. Unsure. What I do know is that this run went down just fine.

We started up the hill and I remembered immediately that Diane has but one pace - quick - and uses it always, uphills or first mile be damned. So, of course I suffered a bit as we headed uphill from Lambert Bridge. I was feeling OK by mile 2 and there were short stretches where things flattened a bit. It was a long 5 miles to the very top but I weathered it well although the blister on my left heel plagued me some.

It was great on the way down and I am sure those were the first miles in many weeks that I was not laser-focused on something being wrong on one level or another. We talked and the miles flew by. A very welcome change of pace, figuratively if not literally ;)
