Run: Race Previous Next


10:00 AM

3.1 mi


5:54 mi


191 bpm


45 F

Race Result

3 / 359 (0.8%)
2 / 33 (6.1%)
  • Map



Mile 1 - 6:10

Mile 2 - 5:42

Mile 3 - 5:52

Mile .10 - :31

Wow, new PR, awesome. Went out slow and then picked it up shortly after mile 1, almost got run over by a minivan after mile 1 so I hit the back of it with my hand. The guy then yelled a few words. When I got in front of the van, we both took a right down a huge hill, which I felt like I was sprinting with the adrenaline and this guy chasing me in a freakin minivan. He eventually turned. Got to the bottom and there was a few rolling hills at mile 3. Caught 3 people and one guy tucked in behind me. The final 1.1 he was right behind me, could hear him and see his shadow. There was no way he was going to pass me after drafting off me, which he didn't. Keys to new PR's, go out slow, don't start your watch (started it at mile 2, forgot to hit start), oh and the most important one which is get chased by a minivan.
