Roller Skiing: Long Previous Next




145 lb
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My longest ski to date!

Anders and I accomplished a great long ski this afternoon. We did a fairly continuous loop around plymouth and medina, stopping about every 30 min for water and peanut m&m's.

Kept the pace under control, knowing the duration would provide enough challenge in itself. And I'm glad we did, because by the end I was close to beginning to bonk. But we made it before that happened, and felt very accomplished.

Enjoyed some delicious watermelon immediately when we got back, and then went to Buffalo Wild Wings and ate copious amounts of delicious food.

Again, I repeat weekends are THE BEST. :)

Interval/AT workout yesterday, and a long workout today, and the knee held up great. Feelin good.

Glad to have accomplished the goal for the weekend which was an AT workout running, and a long ski. Figure the long run isn't a great idea right now, and we're testing out the theory that for a 10 mile, not having too many true long runs while injured is probably okay, and long skis accomplish some of the same goals and also continue our prep for the fall. We'll see how it all plays out.


Emma Spoon

Wow, you stud you! You are a weekend warrior, amid being a week warrior too. Way to live it up!