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9 mi


145 lb
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Stellar workout on a rainy, drizzly, cool, PERFECT saturday afternoon for a workout. And fantastic company from the one and only Anders Bowman.

8x1200 @ 10 mile race pace

pre-workout I had planned and hoped for 5-7 repeats, and I surprised myself by completing 8.










True goal pace (~6:40 for the TC 10) works out to about 4:52-3 splits, or about 95 seconds per quarter. So clearly I was WELL under that. But it felt comfortable, it felt good.

For comparison, last year at this time I did an identical workout, ran 7 repeats, and ran splits that were consistently 97-98 seconds per quarter. I was significantly faster today. Last year I wrote that repeats 6 and 7 were QUITE hard, and today I felt really good through 6 and 7, and instead of continuing to hold pace, Anders and I decided to push the 8th one, and I ended up running 4:31! Which I was very excited about. We opted to cap it at 8 because we had orignally planned 5-7, and with knee recovery still around, probably pushing total volume is not a good idea.

I'm very excited about this workout, and I was pleasantly surprised with the results.

A few weeks ago I would have guessed that I was pretty fit, but after 2 weeks of not much running and battling this IT Band, my confidence took a hit. Happy to say this workout was a confidence booster, and thats what I needed.

Cautiously optimist about the fact that I might be just as fit, or perhaps a bit fitter, than I was a year ago, after a very different training scheme this summer. Either way, excited to see where it all goes, and happy to say that 4 hours post-workout, still no knee pain! yay!!

Fun to run with my tall friend in the rain, feel like badasses, both have great workouts, and enjoy a great dinner and celebration afterwards. Weekends are the BEST!


Emma Spoon

SO great! What fun to read. You are a rock star, no doubt about it. I'm so pumped for you!


Badass mo-fo

Maggie P

Anders says "Thank You"