Run: Easy Previous Next


3:15 PM

6 mi


8:40 mi


155 lb
  • Map


Had an easy run with a buddy of mine, Adam, who is in one of my classes and played on my intramural soccer team this fall. For this time of the year he was a great partner, as it was a very easy, fun, relaxed run, but his fitness is good enough that the pace wasn't painfully slow (literally, physically painful as I experienced a couple times this fall), and the discussion was light-hearted and fun. We left our apartment complex and ran to East Rock Park and ran up the commuter road to the summit, stopped to admire the view for a few minutes, and then descended and ran back to campus via a few of my favorite trails and nice neighborhoods.

On a day like today, when I spent over 10 hours studying, it was VERY necessary and therapeutic break, and I'm very glad he asked if I wanted to go together. Absolutely was my enthusiastic answer. It was a beautiful day, I ran in shorts and a long sleeve, and certainly could have been in a sports bra but I didn't think I needed to rock the sports bra look for my first run with him on a 58 degree day. Tomorrow when I run solo, I will definitely be shirtless.

Running fills my days with happiness, and for the next 8 days before and through the end of the semester and finals, I am thankful for the ability to run, the ability to explore the outdoors, and the chance to exercise a different part of my being besides my brain.

This weekend will also be slightly tough as far as a social life goes, as my roommate went home for the weekend, another good buddy went to their family's home in Masachusettes, another is with her boyfriend in New York for the weekend, and a couple others are spending time with significant others or traveling away from campus. So I was especially glad to have Adam's companionship today, during a day otherwise filled with a lot of studying and not a ton of social interaction.

Running plays with our minds, running is sometimes the enemy to our physicality and mentality, running is hard, running requires patience and perseverance, and running is infuriating.

But running also makes me feel strong, fit, connected, happy, brave, complete, and whole. When the rest of life is spinning, running is constant. You can rely on running. Running is a companion.

Yes, in these days, I am thankful all I need is gravel or asphalt, and I am thankful for the ability to put one foot in front of the other.


Emma Spoon

What a wonderful read. It's so wonderful to have an outlet that is such a perfect complement to your mental exertions. I know that you will find other great outlets this weekend too, even if it is quieter than usual. Call anytime! :)

Preach it, Mags. You are quite the eloquent writer. You MUST be in graduate school.


I love how accustomed you are to human interaction that it bothers you when your buddies are out of town haha. Do you not have classes on Thursday or how do you find 10 hours to study? Teach me your ways....

Yes, running is sacred. You make remember how much I miss it. Brave, I like that one. Whole, I like that one too. A companion, yes.

You're doing great, Maggie. You're gonna slay these finals. I cannot, here, tell you how proud I am for what you've done this semester. Keep on, beautiful.