Run: Easy Previous Next


3:30 PM

10 mi


7:48 mi


155 lb


I ran too long today, but the longer I ran the longer I could be away from the library, so 10 miles it was. It truly was an EASY effort. Don't feel bad about it.

I ran on the greenway, the paved bike path, with music jamming in my ears, and it was incredible to turn off my brain for a while and just enjoy time outside and away from academia. Just as I hopped onto the greenway, I spotted a figure in a neon shirt WAY off in the distance. You can see a LONG Ways on the greenway, so this person was probably close to 3/4 of a mile ahead of me. This was the beginning of the LONGEST, most PATIENT comeback I have ever experienced. 4.5 miles later, yes 36 minutes later, I had just caught this person, who I knew by now was a middle-aged dude with sorta a funny looking stride, and a neon vest. Over the course of 4.5 miles I inched closer, and after about 2 miles I had to consciously force myself to not speed up and just cover the distance quickly and get it over with. By the end I was practically laughing to myself, and playing a game in my head to see just how gradually I could make this happen. Our paces were remarkably similar, mine edging out his just a tad. It provided great entertainment for me, and I imagined I was in a very long race, and I was executing the perfect race plan and moving up through the field patiently. The Pasche's would have been very proud. Race sentiments dancing in my head did not help my effort to keep the pace easy, but I think I did a pretty good job.

And yes, I beat him to my 5 mile turn around. You wanna race buddy? Huh?? Huh?? You wanna race?? I am an over-stimulated, pre-exams, mentally drained grad student, and I will do anything with anybody for entertainment. so YES, I will race you to that 5 mile turnaround, and I will beat you there.

The entire way home I congratulated myself on a good effort.

Good run.


Emma Spoon

Ha! Thank you for such an entertaining and poetic read. So glad running is so refreshing for you!