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3:30 AM

20 mi


Really fun ride today, mostly because I raced a thunderstorm home. First time ever I've been caught in a storm on my bike, and it was simultaneously exhilarating, awesome, and terrifying. Headed out and knew there was a chance of rain, but I had time and I wanted to take advantage of it. I battled straight into the wind for the out portion of my out and back, which was nothing but hard. Averaged probably 13 mph into a ridiculous headwind and felt like I was standing still. I think I entered into a trance because after about 40 minutes I noticed the skies were extremely dark and menacing looking. I turned and headed for home, and as I did it started to rain and the winds picked up even more. The ride home was nothing but Epic. The rain increased in intensity shortly after I turned and pretty soon it was thundering and lightening. Scary, yes, and howling winds, but I also FLEW on the way home!!! Averaged about 29. Yes, FLEW. Maybe the most fun I have ever had on a bike. Adrenaline and a little bit of survivor instincts fueled a very high intensity race back to camp. Returned soaking wet and cold, but with a smile on my face. An awesome adventure :)



YESSSSSSSSS. Dude 30mph in the rain, you badass. Can't wait to ride with you! Fast is fun ya.


20 mile / 5 mile. That's a heckuva day homie.