Run: Long Previous Next


6:00 AM

12 mi


7:30 mi


got in 12 this morning, longest run of the summer thus far, and maybe since last fall/summer before an injury? I can't remember how far my longest long run was this spring on SPRINT D. It was a glorious morning, partly overcast and partly sunny, and not too hot. The limiting factor was definitely the wind. I chose a loop that allowed me to end with the wind, however on two sides of the rectangle(ish) route I had to fight some serious wind. The largest climb on the route was straight into the wind, and for that mile and a half I struggled to find a rhythm or much enjoyment.

The loop was 10 miles long, I have only found loops that are 10 and 15 miles, so I had planned to add two miles after completing the loop. After the long, dreadful climb my legs were pretty trashed, and I spent the last 2 miles of the 10 mile loop convincing myself that it was going to be okay to just complete the 10 and not add the additional 2 miles to hit my goal of 12 for the day. I wasn't feeling dejected necessarily, but I had really hoped to feel good and springy after an easy day yesterday.

Just as I crested the slight incline that starts the slow half mile decent into camp, coming across the horizon I saw a familiar figure... Riley :) I could recognize that stride from a mile away. Instantly I decided I would join her for whatever distance she was planning, anything for time with her and time with a running buddy. She was gracious enough to let me join her for her 2 mile run, and I effortlessly got the last 2 miles I had wanted. I don't know if I simply made it up in my head, but for the those 2 miles my legs felt great, I finished feeling as though I could have run forever. (and may have gone further had I not had a 7:45 meeting) It was absolutely heart warming to see her come across the horizon, and I enjoyed our 2 miles together more than I have enjoyed 2 miles in a long time. Thank you Riley, for the company, the inspiration, and the laughs and smiles :)



Congrats on your longest run in a while! I agree running is definitely a social activity made in the company of others to share those miles and moments with! Do you have any races coming up?

Maggie P

No running races right now, I have a triathlon the 2nd week of august that is holding my attention for the moment.

Good to have you on Running Ahead Cholo!!!

Emma Spoon

Woo hoo! Glad you had such a great effort and the company of the one and only Riley (tell her I say hello, please!). :)