Run: Long Previous Next


12 mi


145 lb
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I had a great long run out and about in New Haven today.

It was 70 degrees and sunny, and I ran for about 9 miles, ish, in East rock park, on a combination of the paved commuter road and the single track trails. Then I cruised out of the park and headed towards the ocean. I didn't get all the way there, because I only had time for 12 before my evening class. This was definitely a day when I could have pushed for 14 or even 15, because my body was feeling good and part of me even wanted to, but the time didn't allow. However, it was also really nice to finish the long run feeling very strong and like I could have kept going. For most of the spring thus far I have felt as though long runs are possible, but also that I end up sort of staggering my way in wishing I had been done 1-2 miles earlier, as opposed to feeling strong. Its good to see that 12 today came easily, and in general the mileage is becoming easier. Imagine that, when you train consistently, that happens.
