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6:00 AM

6 mi


Absolutely beautiful morning this morning: perfect temperature, right after sunrise, a little breeze, it doesn't get any better. It was hard to get out of bed this morning, but the minute I stepped outside my cabin I was glad I had. My steps today were propelled by the knowledge that today is July 3rd, which means our camp session leaves today around 11, and at noon all of the families of staff are invited here for a big celebration for the day. I'm very excited, and I've been looking forward to it for weeks! The only way it would be better is if Brenna was coming :(

The excitement of seeing friends and family kept a smile on my face for the entirety of the 6 miles. I planned for a 4 mile loop because my legs are quite tired after yesterday's bike ride, and I kept the pace consciously relaxed. However after completing the 4 I felt better than when I'd started and added on a couple more.

I started out on the recently paved (grrr) pilgrim point road, and crossed over the highway a mile and half from camp to savor the softness and shade of one of my favorite dirt roads. The gravel is about a mile long, with a slight incline followed by a slight decline. The change in elevation is just enough to keep runs interesting, but not enough to require any extra energy. The sun was rising over the fields as I broke out of the trees on the far side of the gravel road, and I stopped for a couple minutes at my turnaround point to look around and take in the scenery. Fields as far as the eye could see, the rising sun, and a blue sky stretched from horizon to horizon. I turned after a few minutes and re-traced my steps. As I crossed back over the highway a little less than a mile and a half from home, I re-evaluated the state of my legs after being in a happy day dreamy trance, and realized I was feeling more recovered than when I had started. I opted not to head straight home and instead hopped on the gravel shoulder of the highway and ran out a mile before turning again. The highway isn't ideal, but at 6am there's not much traffic and the sun isn't brutal enough to make it unbearable. I turned on the highway after going 8 minutes out and headed for home. I made the turn onto pilgrim point road and ran the last few minutes to the camp gates. I stopped and turned and took one more look back at the beautiful morning. I often times stop briefly before jogging down the 100 meters to my cabin. I stop and look back, savoring the last moments of that dimension. Crossing back through the fence means the start of another day: a day of to-do lists, deadlines, tasks, organizing, scheduling, etc. Out on the gravel roads I am able to escape for an hour everyday. The gravel dimension is lonely, happy, full of wonder, and full of challenge all at the same time, and often times its my favorite part of the day. At the fence I turn, I look out at the horizon and the friendly routes of trodden so many times, and I promise I'll be back tomorrow.


