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14 mi

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<No name>


3 x 3 miles @ marathon pace


This was a doozy of a workout, but a good one as well.

3x 3miles at marathon pace is a lot to chew on. Felt pretty good through the first rep, felt pretty good until the last mile of the second rep, and the third rep was challenging. However, I felt like I hit a plateau of fatigue during the third, and could have pushed for a while longer without getting a lot deeper into the hurt, so that's a good sign.

At the end of the second rep my stomach really started to turn. I had had a subtle stomach ache all afternoon, and perhaps should have adjusted the workout because of it, but I didn't, and definitely paid the price late in the game. I stopped between the 2nd and 3rd reps to see if I might throw up, mostly because if felt like I might feel better afterwards. But it didn't happen. Stomach was pretty aggravated throughout the third rep, and it was definitely the limiting factor. While this was annoying, I guess its promising that my legs held up. The work was great work. More specifically, it was more practice at simply sustaining a slightly uncomfortable pace for a long time, and it helped me to further solidify my internal sense of what marathon pace is. Each rep started out just a little too fast, and by about .75 miles into each rep I was able to lock in to the correct pace a bit more.

Miles splits were:

Rep 1: 6:43, 6:51, 6:50

Rep 2: 6:49, 6:50, 6:51

Rep 3: 6:50, 5:52, 6:43

avg: 6:48

Rest in between each of the reps was ~3 min of walking. Rest between the 2nd and 3rd sets was a bit longer to allow for time to try to vomit, hah.

Again, building workouts on the Garmin watches is awesome.

The cool-down was a struggle, but I waddled about a mile home with a stomach ache.

However, even if the cool-down was a struggle, I felt really excited about how the workout went.

I got home post-workout and proceeded to vomit twice that evening and then go to bed at 7:30pm. Woke up the next morning absolutely starving having not kept any remnants of a dinner down in my system the night before.

Later add:

I'm now glad to report that I think my stomach issues were disconnected from running, and the running simply aggravated them. And I was especially happy that my stomach held up perfectly for a 20 mile long run on Sunday.


Emma Spoon

Uffda, marathon training sounds rough. But it sure is making you tough!

Maggie P

YOU are quite familiar with the training, Ms. Spoon! Just trying to keep up with my speedy, tough, marathon-winning friend!