Run: Workout Previous Next


6:30 AM

7 mi


155 lb
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2 mile warm-up from home to school. Slightly more mild temps than most mornings last week. It was ~5 today when I began. And the sun was out!!!!! Why does this weekend have to be daylight savings?? I have thoroughly enjoyed lit skies at early morning departures the last couple weeks.

Inside 10x400 @mile pace w/ 200 jog recovery b/w each

was weary about how I would feel today, but it came easier than I expected and only nunbers 8,9, and 10 felt really hard.

cool down



Ten 400s is quite a workout. Nice job!


Damn it must feel good to be a gangster. I'm curious to know your original intentions, expectations, and subsequent observations of this workout over the past few weeks. How have paces (I think you've kept recovery fixed?) or perceived effort changed? Why the high frequency of this workout - for a benchmark? Because you feel ten 400s is a particularly effective design for you race goals in spring? Do you plan to bump it up the reps (which sounds really hard) in the next few weeks?

Maggie P

I've had my eyes set on a 3k at Stevens Point this weekend for a while, and I've been tailoring my workout to that distance and pace. I love this workout.

I do plan to tweak it slightly in the next few weeks. Probably back off on the pace a bit in the "off" time in March, and add reps. Hopefully in a couple months be able to run a faster pace and more reps.