XC ski skate: Interval Previous Next



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Elm Creek


This workout was a little bit frustrating, but good to do- any only illustrates the work I still need to do in skiing.

The workout was 30 min of [30 seconds L4-L5, then 90 seconds off]

So over the course of 30 min we did it 15 times.

I say the workout was frustrating because upon completion Anders and I found each other after getting split up over the course and his reaction was "ugh, that was so hard I sorta fee like I want to puke", and my reaction was "eh, it was kinda hard, but really only when my 30 seconds of "on" was on some sort of climb"

These comments just illustrate what I already knew, which is I'm still working on developing pristine enough technique on skis that I can ski fast enough and work hard enough on flats that I can put myself into L4 or L5, aerobically. Don't get me wrong, I can sorta do it, and the workout definitely wasn't easy, it was quite hard. However, Anders has the technique for sprinting that allows him to move fast enough on flats that he can tax his aerobic system in only 30 second bursts. Because my technique isn't quite there yet, I literally can't move fast enough on flats to get to the point where I'm taxing my aerobic system- at least in 30 seconds. When my work portion was on climbs, then OH yea, I can make myself hurt and suffer. However, I find it hard to do otherwise. Towards the end of the workout I started editing the workout so that I was either A) changing my course so that I was always hitting climbs for my hard sections, or B) extending my work sections by 15-20 seconds so that I was able to feel fatigue on flats. I think the edits were beneficial, and I'll just have to remember that for next time.

I describe the workout as frustrating simply because I think I should have started editing early, knowing now how much Anders was hurting by like rep 6 when I wasn't. However, I'm going to try not to let it bother me. Like I said, the workout was still hard, so I accomplished something. Additionally, Anders reminded me that Im also trying to do shorter, faster running intervals 2-3x per week, and I'm certainly taxing my system in short bursts during those workouts.

16 hours later, I'm less frustrated about the workout than I was right as we finished. I suppose that means I still have much work to do regarding my emotional resilience towards workouts.
