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8.5 mi


My plans for a ski workout were thwarted by blizzard conditions and terrible roads. So instead of making the long trek north or south to ski, I decided to just pop down the road a mile to LA fitness and do my ski workout on the treadmill.

It's probably not actually a direct correlation, but I had a ski workout slotted for today, and I don't really want to do it any closer to our big race this coming saturday, and I didn't want to not get a workout in and go from race to race without any quality in the middle. So, I'll try to get just a longer, easy ski in tomorrow after the maple grove section meet is over, with no quality, and that will be just fine. The treadmill was an adequate (and warm and safe) alternative today.

Ski workout was 8x3 min @L4.

I tried to simulate as similar an effort as I could running.

I did 6x3 min at what I considered to be about L4. It was 6x3min at [6:15, 6:11, 6:07, 6:03, 6:07, 6:11]

I was going to do 8x 3 min, but my hamstrings, quads and calves weren't going to let me do that without really getting into muscle fatigue that I didn't want to get into. I don't want to dig myself into too much of a hole after two big days last weekend- my muscles haven't quite recovered yet, and in preparing for our toughest and longest race of the year thus far this saturday.

on skis it would have been okay to do 8x 3 min, but running is just different.

Oh well, I wasn't phased, it will make no difference in the long run.

I was glad to get in a good effort and have a shorter afternoon and earlier evening than I had anticipated. It meant I actually got to see Anders before he left for work this evening (he's on nights right now), and that's always a welcome treat. :)



Excellent adaptation, Professor.

Maggie P

Hahahaha :)

your comment made me laugh out loud.