Run: Distance Previous Next


6:00 AM

9.3 mi


7:36 mi


Had a great run this morning because we had nice weather for the first time in a few days. However my legs felt pretty dead, even after a day off yesterday. My guess is it is due to the short nights I've had lately. Camp life is in full swing, and 5 ish hours is pretty typical. Hopefully I can remedy that soon, but even feeling tired I wouldn't trade the run for anything. Cool, sunny, and an hour by myself before the crazy of the day hits.



You run fast, mate. I'm sorry about the lack of sleep - I know you're accustomed to it as a veteran of camp life, but I also know sleep deprivation is not fun. Major props to you for continuing to get up before 6 A.M. and doin' work. I am impressed with the total of your productivity, for yourself and others, in each and every camp day. WOW.