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4:30 PM

3 mi


155 lb
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Ran Hills with the sprinters at their practice this afternoon.

Man oh man that's a different kind of work. I'll probably be quite sore tomorrow. I definitely felt like I recover more quickly than all of them, and I certainly wasn't feeling like it was an absolute killer workout. But as it should be I just can't generate the same kind of power as many, which is fine, and that new focus will definitely make me sore.

2x 30m on towers hill

3x 40m by hill next to red barn

2x 40m on bike path behind baker

1x full baker hill

4x 30m on presidents hill

2x full library lot hill

1x full hill on Leif ericson (bottom of hill, along sidewalk past Olson, and to farwell bridge

7x bound/ sprint full stadium stairs

Not exactly sure what the mileage was, but we ran between locations on campus and got some decent yardage in on the actual hills, so I'm estimating 3. Good enough for me.



That's awesome! I love that you're bopping around trying new stimuli with the sprint D. Sounds like good variety for hill work, mentally refreshing. Also, sounds hard.