Roller Skiing: Long Previous Next




145 lb


Got out post-school for a long ish, easy ski. Wasn't too motivated to go out solo, especially in 20 degree weather and with a decent wind, but once I was out I was happy, not cold at all, and enjoyed the effort enough I suppose.

Below freezing temps are hard to rollerski in because the ground is frozen and its hard to get any purchase out of pole plants. That was pretty frustrating for a lot of the ski, so I ended up no poling a significant amount of the time. By the end my butt was pretty tired, and I'll probably be sore tomorrow because of that.

The last half hour or so got up above easy/L1 because I realized I was going to be playing beat the dark home. And the dark won, hah.

This time of year (post-day light savings and pre-snow) is hard for roller skiing because its almost impossible to get a 2 hour effort in after work and before dark. Most of those efforts will have to happen on the weekends. And once snow hits its not a problem because almost all the skiing venues around here are lit. So for November and December the post 5 o clock hour gets a little dicey. But it adds an element of risk, and thats motivating sometimes. Today I certainly picked up the pace a lot for the last 30 min, and by the end I was feeling pretty smooth and strong. I had also had an hour+ warm-up by then, and the motion was coming fluidly and easily.

I'd be cool with snow now.



Welcome to the world of Weekend Warriors. Also, sorry dude, no snow til Christmas day please.