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7 mi

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Blake Track


2 mile warm-up


Then 2+ mile cool-down

paces for the 800's were 5k ish, marathon pace, marathon pace, then pretty much all out.

800 #1 was 2:52, so right about 5k pace probably

800 #2 and #3 were both right at 3:24 ish, which is right on 6:50/mile or marathon pace. They felt really slow and comfortable on the track, which is the whole point of the workout, especially after doing one at 5k first.

800 #4 was 2:35. It was roughly a 78 and then a 77, though I didn't split it at 400m so thats an estimate based on what I saw when I glanced down. My plan was to try to go out in 80 and then see what I could do after that. When I came through in 78 I was feeling it but was hopeful that I could hold/accelerate for another lap. I was definitely pushing the last 200m, and it was hard.

I think I happy with it, given that marathon pace is where my fitness goals are right now. I guess its fun to know I can still run a 2:35 off of marathon training. However, if I'm gonna try to go under 5 for the mile in february with Emma and run faster than that pace for twice as far, I have a lot of work to do. Also, I could run 20 seconds faster than that for 800 in college.

I guess one goal at a time.

For the sake of the workout aimed at the race 10 days from now, I think I'm happy with it.



Fascinating. I like the design of this workout. It sounds crazy to go from marathon in December to mile in February... but I would think that as long as you feel healthy and take a true got it. Helps to have a buddy, too. You'll have a phenomenal base. I hope somehow I can be there to scream my lungs out for both of you!!

Emma Spoon

One goal at a time is right. The mile foot speed will come around. I'm so pumped about your speed, endurance, and all-around fitness right now!