XC ski skate: Interval Previous Next



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Easy, hour, solo ski at Hyland. I felt pretty sore and sluggish to start, but by the end I was feeling good.

It was nice to start a ski knowing I was only skiing for an hour, didn't have any quality to accomplish, and got to ski the entire ski in the daylight. The entirety of that combination rarely happens.

Its amazing how liberating it feels to not have practice in a day, and to be able to accomplish my own working out- both skiing and running, in an efficient way. And after I was done I had time to go grocery shopping and also go to the second 2 periods of the Blake Boys Hockey Game. Go BEARS!

Mostly its just the late-night 7:30-9:15 practices that I don't like that we've had so much of lately. I much prefer the flow of the day and evening when I can be done working out and practicing for the day by 6pm.
