Run: Easy Previous Next


8 mi

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<No name>


I thought about just not going out for this run after how bad my run was earlier. Really want to have a great workout this weekend, and wondered if it was going to be better to just bag the second run, knowing I wouldn't hit mileage for the week, to maybe allocate more energy to Sunday.

Had almost given in to that, and then Anders got home from work and said he and Dave were starting their run from our house, and I could just jump in and start with them and see how I felt. I'm glad I did, because a couple miles in I felt much better than I did earlier today. The run still wasn't fast, and the legs were still somewhat fatigued, but I could at least move and seemed to feel better as I went. I feel like its about once yearly that I forget, and then have a brutal reminder of how much it sucks to run in 90 degrees and humidity. Check it off for the year, wont do that again. 75 degrees and cooling tonight felt wonderful.

Also, new shoes feel awesome.
