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8:30 AM

13.3 mi


9:23 mi


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testor rd


testor rd + 2 laps Lake Tye. hammered big time last 4 miles by heavy gusty wind & hard rain with some pieces of ice pellets. strong effort on the 2 big hills & rolling course. still was able to run last 4.5 miles @ tempo pace. kept to Eugene HM plan with gu @ 30,60,90 mns. may pass on Mercer Island 10k (hilly) next sunday & look for another easier race middle of April. need to utilize the 10-14 days of training would miss from taper/recovery. right knee acting up alittle last week, although no issues today while running. Mercer Island would be huge stress because of the hills. beat last week on same course by 2 mns. only looked at watch for the GU stages. no look after 90 mns.
