Run: Long Previous Next


5:48 AM

13.5 mi


7:55 mi


78 F
  • Map


Long run day. Weather is muggy but we caught a break when it stayed cloudy for the entire session. Plan is to run a long warmup, a tempo run of about 4 miles then a cooldown of another 4 miles.

5.08 miles in 43:00 for 8:28 ave pace for first part of the session. Ran up Perryville road to Capaha Park and up by Pacific street and back. Saw several runners out and about. Hydrate up and stretch prior to striders. Striders of :32 sec = .10 mile/// :27 sec = 463'/// :33 sec = .11 mile. --- .30 mile total.

Tempo run: Start at bottom of Kiwanis Park where we will begin the Hoops 4 Life race and run through the park to Lexington for an out and back prior to "beginning" the tempo run. Goal is to stress the body somewhat with the initial hill inside the park while easing into tempo run at a sub-7 min first mile. Tempo run total of 4.13 miles in 26:57 for 6:31 ave pace. Splits of 6:46/ 284' in :20 sec for 6:25/ave (downhill to starting line), Hoops course: Mile 1 = 6:32// Mile 2 = 6:24// Mile 3 = 6:27// 424' in :28 sec for 5:53/ave to finish line. Elapsed time of 19:51 on Hoops 5K course for tempo effort.

Cooldown of 4.01 miles in 35:28 for 8:51 ave. Felt like a drowned rat by that time in the workout. Completely soaked through. Stopped, stretched and continued to rehydrate after the run. 2- 20oz bottles of gatorade, a 16 oz water and a 12 oz water during session and I'm sure I still lost a couple of pounds.

Good workout. Different structure than last week but same basic mileage. Next Sunday will be very easy 10-11 mile effort after Saturday's race due to another 5K race on 27 July.
