Run: Easy Previous Next


4:50 PM

3.4 mi


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Shakeout run for Homecomer's 5K tomorrow. Splitting the difference on the recovery time and decided to take 36 hours after long Sunday run vs 24 hours. Not sure if it matters but thought legs could use a bit more recovery after 10 vs the shorter mileage today.

Feel pretty good. Stretch lightly then work several sets of my drills to wake up my legs and loosen up. .43 miles total on the drills then into the main run.

2.55 miles in 19:42 with splits of 7:36/7:53/4:13(7:42); kept checking the speed down as I didn't want my legs to get soreish...

Striders of .10 mile in :30s/// .13 mile in :39s/// .15 mile in :41s with walking recoveries between reps.

Easy walk around the Osage parking lot perimeter then light stretching. I think the new, larger size of the parking lot will be a great place to do some training this winter as it will be lit up most of the time and looks to be at least a 1/2 mile perimeter.
