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6:50 AM

4.9 mi


7:09 mi

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Main part of workout is 1 mile, 2 miles, then finish with 1 mile. Looking to run around HM pace first two then 5K pace on last one.

1 mile = 6:24; felt good and 2 min recovery jog

2 miles = 12:10 with 6:11/5:59 splits; too fast on first mile so just roll with it and decide to do a 1 min recovery jog prior to last 1 mile rep.

1 mile = 5:46; very smooth and plenty left in the tank. 3.5 min recovery jog and hang out until co-founder ready for the cooldown.

The work is pretty much finished. Other than my cutdown tempo run later this week and some short, sharpening runs, just need to wait around, maintain the fitness and enjoy the taper while staying healthy.



Over 200 miles in last 30 days.