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7:30 AM

5 km


5:50 mi


79 F


Approx 40 people come out. A handful of 20-something runners; Don't know any of them.

Out and back course with one .35 mile incline/hill coming back deep into the 3rd mile.

Splits: 5:46/5:43/6:02[17:30] and :36seconds for last .12 miles.

Second place guy runs a low 21 min finish.

The RD must have been waiting for the grass to grow in her yard as results still not ready at 8:40 a.m so had to leave to get up to Jackson XC meet to watch Hannah place 3rd in her first HS competition in the 9th grade race. Looked good finishing and when she starts running more than 5 miles/week may turn into a pretty good runner.



"You don't have to win every one of them." "You are crushing people's Olympic Dreams."


Don't say that.... you may give me a complex.


Congrats on the win. Good for Hannah.