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7:05 AM

5 km


5:56 mi


70 degrees and humid. Good Warm up and not too much strider action as I did at Nolan Weber race last fall; HR elevated but not too high. Looking over the crowd.. Marcus LeGrand up front and a couple other youngsters who look fit (so probably good for about 800m). Bailey Davidson also racing as he is a teacher/coach at Delta school district this year. More about that in the morning.

I know LeGrand will start out fast so follow him and three 10-12 year old sprinters through the first quarter mile. LeG leading at turn off to the lake and I tuck behind him for first 3/4 mile or so. When we come to the base of the first hill time for us to part company and I begin climbing while gapping him. l "feel" him lose contact and fall back as we traverse the first incline. Plan is to run smooth 5k effort through two miles then cruise home if no company.

Hit the turnaround and Marcus is about 15-20 seconds back. Know the back half is much faster and keep the pace chippy through two miles. Meeting the pack and begin to ease off the pace while dodging/weaving through the crowd...most are very nice about giving me plenty of room.

Finish at easy pace and just cruising at tempo pace for final 3/4 mile or so. 18:23 official time. Marcus comes in around 19:40sh. I think Bailey is 3rd OA.

I think the course was Garmin measured at 3.04 in 2015 when I won in 17:38 or so. Feel good knowing I had "lots" left in the tank if I would have needed it and also glad I didn't have to use it today and abuse my legs. I will save that for the certified October 5k with Jr.

Highlight of the morning: watching others finish and noticed an "old" dude coming through the 3 mile mark at 28 min flat....that got my attention. Watched him finish in 28:26. After my cool down he came up and started chatting. Could tell right off he was a serious runner/trainer. Turns out he is a 77 y/o who moved back from the East coast and now resides in Benton, Mo. Needless to say, he likes competing and is going to pucker up a few of the 70s local dudes who race and most of the 60s crowd. I love it.

Collected another Dutchman's Dash mug for bookends to go along with my Azalea trophies. Long live CBEGM!!!
