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7:00 AM

5.7 mi


7:11 mi


65 F


Co-founders only today as JS out of town.

Main work = 4 x 1 mile on nearly flat Arena loop working to keep first 3 around low 6s then see what is left on last interval. 3 min recovery jogs

Splits: 6:07 / 5:58 / 5:58 / 5:34.

14.22 miles today total distance on the roads. Feel good despite the heavy workload but need to back down the volume for the next week.

End of third buildup week and knocked out 50 miles of running, 4.7 miles swimming and 90 min combined elliptical/spinning bike.

Time to rest prior to racing next week.



Good luck with the race next week. Some great mile repeats with the 14 miles today. What's the race coming up?


Called the Furry5K. Local race with proceeds going " to the dogs". First mile is all hills then essentially flat the rest of the course.