Run: Easy Previous Next


5:45 AM

5.4 mi


8:13 mi


47 F
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Easy run to assist recovery from Thursday's workout. High HS/gluts remain sore.

Mile splits: 8:46/8:08/8:08/8:08/7:58/2:47

604 cal and average bpm=131 during run

FYI: Went to Morley, MO to watch my buddy race. He is leading the 5K race by at least 2 minutes over the rest of the field with 4 blocks to go. An official is suppose to be at the second to last turn on the course directing racers in the proper direction. She is one block from where she SHOULD be and lets Bram run straight instead of turning. Completely destroys his race as he runs almost 1/2 mile off track and ends up on the back side of the finish line.

This is the second year in a row the race director/volunteers have let the overall leader run off course due to incompetence. Sad, Sad, Sad. I am disappointed that Bram was not able to officially put his first sub-19 min 5k in the "official" books. However, I was watching the clock just prior to his "wrong" turn and I am certain he was on pace to run the sub-19. I know that doesn't make him feel any better but he was on track to smash his PR in the 5K.

Anyway, that is why racers demand that people who direct races do it correctly. Poor race management ultimately hurts the racers and can ruin weeks of tapering as well as months of training.

Just so I don't have to end my commentary on a negative note: My kid ran his second 16:15 5k in 4 days earlier today and placed second overall in the varsity boys race behind Wynn McClellan, whom I consider the top runner in SE Missouri region. Scott City placed 5th as a team and continue to lower overall times for both their varsity and junior varsity runners. Go Rams.
