Run: Tempo Previous Next


5:30 AM

6.2 mi


6:47 mi


Into the gym, quick change into my Hitogami's then stretch out a little bit.

Plan is 5 miles at approx HM race pace. The race day is sub 6:30 ave so will begin at 6:35 and move down from there. Doing 3 miles tempo pace, 4 min (or 1/2 mile) recovery jog, 2 miles tempo then c/d.

3Mile: first 2 miles @ 6:35 pace then final mile at 6:31 pace. Incline at 2.0% for first mile then 1.5% incline.

3:50 min recovery for 1/2 mile total at 1% incline

2Mile: First mile at 6:31 pace, next 1/2 mile at 6:27 pace then final 1/2 mile at 6:22 pace. 1 percent incline.

.70 mile cooldown.

Felt pretty smooth. However, if I can't complete 5 miles at race pace at this time, I am off-base with my projected time or else just a pud.

It occurred to me last night that as of Saturday morning, I am 9 weeks from race day. Have some slightly different tempo/speed endurance runs scheduled for the final 6-7 training weeks and looking forward to seeing what happens.
