Run: Race Previous Next


2:00 PM

5 km


5:37 mi


63 F


9 / 10
10 / 10

Race Result

1 / 241 (0.4%)


Certified course. Perfect conditions. 241 runners show up for the 2013 Dogwood race. Lots of quality competition at the starting line and most of them are on the North side of 40. KB exhibits some pre-race nerves and I assure him he is ready to roll.

The top 7 guys as well as a hand full of others line up in the front two rows and we are off. Cruise past the finish chute which is about 60m past the starting line and the entire pack is following a kid who goes out in about 4:20 mile pace. I ignore him and concentrate on my tangents. I am already in second place and pretty much accept the fact I will likely be the rabbit for the race as BK is starting out conservatively today. Doesnt bother me a bit. Relax and try to run around 5:30 pace through the early part of the race. Check garmin at 800m just after passing the early leader and am running 5:20 pace so relax just a bit.

Come through the 1 mile mark in 5:28.9 according to my garmin and 5:27 according to their clock. A bit too fast but nothing which will crush me at the end... I hope. Concentrate on getting to the 2 mile mark of the race without slowing pace too much. Reach 2 mile mark of the course in 11:04.8 according to garmin for a 5:35.9 second mile split. Take a peek back as I turn onto Byrd Drive and see a couple of guys about 30 seconds back.

Breaking the rest of the race down into 2 parts: Getting back to Commercial street without slowing significantly then running the last .60 miles of the race with some balls by pushing myself as the leader. Know I am slowing during the 3rd mile and peek at mile pace as I come onto Commercial: shows 5:46 pace. Wanting to push 3rd mile at/around 5:45 then finish hard on last .20 miles of race. Garmin time at mile 3 = 16:55 for 3rd split of race; Been a while since went sub-17 at the 3 mile mark.

Have about 2 blocks to go and the crowd is getting into it. Joe W is at the 2.9 mile mark cheering us on and I begin what kick I have. See the clock as I progress up the course and see 17:13 showing. Push harder and cross as clock beeps to 17:25. Chip timing has me at 17:26 and I am very happy. Last .11 miles in 31 seconds for a 4:45 pace clip; Pretty good for me.

BK comes in behind me at 17:53 then SLovell, CCone and KBram finish out top 5. All master's runners except BK and all 5 come in under 18:30. Wow! Lovell and Cone raced the R2R yesterday.... Amazing!; They are studs.

KB finishes 18:28 for a national-class time on a certified course while running with a sore back............Incredible!. He has improved his finish time in 5 consective years at this race. Achieved due to strict training schedule that few could duplicate even if they attempted to do so and most would quit in the first week. CBEM duo both go Nat-class and put their names deep into the MO 5K road running records list. Great day for the team.


KB = 18:28 = 80.52%; 16:01 Age-graded result as a 51 y/o

KH = 17:26 = 82.60%; 15:37 Age-graded result as a 47 y/o


Note: Cross over the 600 mile barrier for 2013 8 days ahead of my 2012 total.
