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8:00 AM

6.7 mi


7:01 mi


2.3 miles on indoor track in 17 min

4.4 miles in 30 min on TM. - 3 intervals of 1600/1200/800m at 6:27/6:18 and 5:56 paces with 400m jog interval recoveries.

On better fronts: Brandon runs a PR of 3:56 in the 1500m race at Carbondale today in the midst of getting ready to break the 30 min 10K barrier next Friday on the West coast. 3 second PR at that distance and 10 seconds faster than his training run last week at Alabama. Starting to round into shape finally.

Should be able to go 4:12 mile at this point.....Would rather see a 29:30 10K on Friday.
