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4:30 PM

9.9 mi


8:35 mi


36 F
  • Map


Beautiful afternoon and able to get out of work at 4:00 so headed out to Arena park area.

Warmup on south portion of Osage trail of 2.53 miles in 18:47. 4 striders for another .50 miles progressively kicking the time down.

3/4 mile intervals at 4:22/4:27/4:25 with 1/3 mile recovery jogs.

2 mile time trial getting ready to start so decide to jump in and run something faster after I start the SM clock for the runners. Run 11:38 with splits of 5:47/5:51. Jog back to where Shannon A is finishing up and run the last 1/4 mile in with him then continue to cool down for total of 1.55 miles.

Conclusion: Decent 2 mile effort after running 6 miles. Would say that effort was approx 90% and pleased considering completed on HM training cycle.
