Run: Tempo Previous Next


5:00 AM

7.1 mi


7:45 mi


Rain forced us indoors. Started with 1.5 on indoor track then to TM.

5.6 miles total. 3 tempo intervals of 1600m/1200m/1200m at 6:31/6:22/6:15 mile paces with TM at 1.5% incline. Quarter mile jog intervals at 7:42 pace

1/2 mile easy following second 1200m then three progressive striders of .12-.14 mile each at 6:03/5:45/5:32 paces.

Easy jog out at 8 flat pace.

Felt easy and smooth entire time and ran in heaviest trainers.

Finished with good runner's strengthening exercises of lateral lunges, regular lunges, bridging, one legged hip extension, fire hydrants and donkey kicks.

4 laps of walking and very light LE stretching then into the showers.
