Run: Interval Previous Next


5:15 AM

7 mi


8:26 mi


First 1.2 miles of easy jogging, drills and a couple of progressing striders on the indoor track.

To the TM and working 7 x 3 min intervals at increasing pace with 2 min recovery jogging at 7:47 pace.

Paces: 7:00/6:40/6:27/6:15/6:00/6:15/6:15. Cooldown at 8:00 pace for about 3/4 of a mile.

Very easy workout as far as uptempo intervals go and resisted the temptation to hammer the final 2 intervals at sub 6 min pace as too much risk for no reward. (I know I can but dont need to find out how my back and L leg will react at this time). Legs and cardio felt like a million bucks which was interesting considering rode several miles yesterday. Must have had the 100 rpm cadence burned into my legs this morning.

Finished with Step-ups and box jumps to low box x 12 then lateral lunges, front lunges and body wt squats with a 6# ball.
