Run: Interval Previous Next


5:15 AM

9.2 mi


7:17 mi


4.0 miles warm-up in 31:20 with 4 hill climb repeats at the end to prime my legs a bit then straight into 14 min tempo run.

2.3 miles in 14:30 for an ave pace of 6:18. 6.7 miles total.

.40 mile recovery in 3:05 min then another 1.5 min to put my racing flats on.

TM: .70 miles at 6:00/mile pace; 400 m recovery jog then 2 x .15 miles at 5:54/5:45 paces with .20 mile recoveries. Finished with 2.50 miles total on TM.

83 cent haul today. Even stopped during tempo run to pick up a dime..... don't need to do that again.
