Run: Race Previous Next


8:00 AM

3 mi


5:48 mi


60 F


Billed as a 5K and would have been had the veterans on the cycles taken us around the loop of the swimming pool. They didnt so the race turned into the second 3 miler in 2 weeks. Small group today, probably around 40 total people and Paul S, Jay T and Matt M are beside me at the starting line. Garmin on but not planning on looking at it. The plan is to run mile one at 5K race pace, drop to HM race pace for middle of the race, then ramp back up toward 5K race effort last portion after hills traversed.

The bikes escort us through the city park, which is essentially flat then I believe they decided to go get some fuel as they cut through the IGA parking lot and off the course. So much for the escort/protection. Guess we are all on our own from the .90 mile mark of the race.

As I turn L onto Washington Street I can still hear someone breathing behind me. A little surprised but not worried. Wasnt sure who it was and wasnt going to turn to look. Turns out it was Jay T. Dude can really run for a big guy. Heading into the middle of the course which consisted of two pretty good inclines.

Move through the hills at HM race pace then move off of Greensferry and onto Francis Drive for the final .60 miles of the race. Little rat dog comes out on the road and tries to bite my ankles. Stop completely after yelling at it and have my hankerchief out ready to snap it's head as I tell the owner there are 50 other people coming down the road soon. He finally picks his ratdog up and I take off. Probably cost me about 5 seconds; main thing is the little bastard didn't bite me.

Ramping up the turnover as I move down Francis drive and know as I turn final corner into the park I have exactly .10 miles to go. Really cranking it now and see the clock at 17:10 as I move toward the finish. 17:34 finish time for 3.03 miles on my garmin. Possibly a little longer due to the inclines/declines but putting it in as a 3 miler. OA win and nice trophy.

Splits today: 5:38/6:08/5:43/:05 for last .03 = 17:34 finish.

Best part of the day was shooting the shit with some cool Master's runners before/after the race. The second best part of the morning was picking between three gifts I couldn't care less about.... round of golf from one of two courses or a month's membership to the Crossfit club. Picked the crossfit and plan to give it to someone I am not real close to as it is a great way to hurt yourself.

Ended up with total of 13.9 miles today as moved long run to today.
