Run: Easy Previous Next


5:00 AM

9.6 mi


8:20 mi


76 F
  • Map


7.15 miles in 58:27 with first mile in 9:11

8 hill sprints with first 5 120m in 21/20/20/19/20 sec with slow recovery jogs of approx 150m then last 3 reps 140m in 22/22/22sec with slow recovery jogs of appro 180m.

1.0 mile cooldown then up to Jackson to watch the GrandMaster school all but 7 youngsters in the 4th of July 5K on a less than stellar course route.

11 cents today and treated myself to an ice cream Snickers this morning. Those things could be highly addictive......... almost as bad as Diet Dew.
