Run: Interval Previous Next


5:00 AM

7.3 mi


7:20 mi


First 1.3 miles on indoor track doing easy jogging, drills and finally some straight-line faster surges prior to changing into the Hitogami shoes and moving to the TM for the intervals.

3 min x 3 @7:03/6:40/6:27 pace with 2 min recovery jogs at 7:47 pace at 1.5% grade

5 min x 3 @ 6:15/6:07/6:00 pace with 2 min recovery jogs at 7:47 pace at 1.0% grade

7 min c/d at/just over 8 min pace.

Not a post-12 hour work training run in concrete boots after working with shit wipe material butt.................. another interval workout in a series of faster runs that are beginning to feel very strong and comfortable. I am looking forward to seeing what transpires in my next two events at 5k and 4 mile distances.



Solid workout. Ate supper last night, laid down at 5:30 p.m. and did not wake up until after 10:00. Missed your texts and all the fireworks!