Run: Race Previous Next


2:00 PM

5 km


5:49 mi


9 / 10
9 / 10

Race Result

3 / 250 (1.2%)


4th try at Dogwood Azalea 5K race. One of only handful of certified courses in SE Missouri and one you want to try to be healthy for. Haven't run the race since 2013 when lightening struck and I won the event. That is not happening again but hoping to drop a time somewhere around 18:30 if possible. Really don't know where I am at currently as far as race-shape. Since the February race have cut way back on running due to lumbar disk issues and finally found a compromise point of between 21-25 miles of running a week that seems to keep me from destroying myself. Been doing more general lifting and trying to stationary bike 30-40+ per week as cross training. My weight is up to around 143; last year I was competing about 5-6 pounds lighter but feel much stronger in my hips/core than 6 months ago.

Have some different dynamics this year with the addition of some Jonesboro, ARK boys up racing. They all did River to River yesterday and wanting to hammer themselves a little more so toeing the line. Brian Agee and another mid-30s guy look to be some front-runners. Agee says he may be able to go below 18 min today and I told him that is what the local favorite will be looking for so he will have some company.

To the starting line and many usual suspects on the line. I am between Kelpe and Agee with Bram behind in second row beside Mr. Bandit, AKA A-Hole, the Chaffee d-bag from last year. Interestingly enough, he actually has a bib for this event; probably stole it from a toddler.....

Usual fast start from the crowd on this race and several of the HS kids bolt out in front along with Kelpe and Agee soon following him after lagging back for about 100m. About .4 miles into the race I am in 3rd position and we are moving around 5:50ish pace. I try to relax and watch as the front two go thru the first mile around 5:47; My first mile split is 5:52.09 but it felt pretty darn good. In for a penny, in for a pound,; going to ride the train and see what happens. Try to keep the top 2 in range and focus on letting them pull me along the course. Feel like I start to lose some turnover about 1.75 miles in and redouble my focus on not letting them go; Go through mile two at 11:39 elapse with 2 mile split of 5:47.70; I didn't see this split but glanced at elapsed time on this lap and knew I was running a very good race if I could finish. Still in third position and glanced back as turning onto Byrd Ave and could see one of the Jonesboro gang about 15 seconds behind.

Wind seemed pretty intense on Byrd Ave and although I felt I was slowing slightly I was not losing any ground to Agee and Kelpe. Agee had pulled ahead of Kelpe by about 5 seconds and his turnover looked good as we turned onto Commercial street for the final 900m and I was determined not to let anyone run me down on this stretch as had happened multiple times in the past.

3rd mile mark in 17:41 for a 6:01.81 split and better yet had started my kick during this mile as my best turnover during that lap was a 5:02. I didn't hear this split alert as I was pulling slightly on the front runners. Finished the race at 5:04 pace and peaked at 4:52 fastest turnover during final fraction of a mile.

My garmin shows 18:04 finish time but the Jaguar timing system used had me at 18:02 so I must take the official time. I figured I have been screwed out of a second here and there multiple times so must be some payback Karma.

Finish 3rd OA with 4th place guy about 12 seconds back. Bramlett says we are the only two 50 y/o men in the top 10 finishers with all the rest in their 30s. Will wait to see official posted results for more information on top 6 finishers.

Best part is this is a certified course so the results stand as posted.


Age-graded performance %age = 81.79%

Age-graded result = 15:52

CBEGM again makes their mark on this course.
