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9:00 AM

3.7 mi


5:25 mi


20 min TM run starts the second you turn on the machine. William Z is next to me on the other TM.

Push quick start then when it starts rolling hit 10.8 mph (5:33) and push the incline to .5% grade as it smooths the TM shaking down some. Plan to run 7-8 min at this pace then decide what to do. First mile in 5:52; feels like I am walking. Push it up to 10.9 then 11.0 pace (5:27) by the end of the second mile. Not sure what time was at mile 2 but probably around 11:20. Decide to keep it at 11 mph until I get toward 3 mile mark and see what is left. Hit mile 3 at 16:54 and still feeling really good; Take the incline to zero grade as it is time to go. Decide to crank it down and go to 11.2 then 11.4 and finally up to 12.4 mph for the last 90 seconds.

3.70 miles in 20 min from dead start on the TM; never thought it would happen but actually should have increased the pace at about 2.75 miles. Encouraging run.


Joe Jacobs


Joe Jacobs

How did u finish overall? Sounds like ur shoulder is better.

