Run: Easy Previous Next


6:00 AM

5.2 mi


7:42 mi

  • Map

TM run


7 degrees out this morning. Drive to Osage Center and arrive at 5:45 so jump out and do a couple short laps around the front lot waiting for them to open up. Icy parking area. Figure .30 miles outside and my toes and fingers already numb. That is why I am hitting the TM again today.

1.2 mile total warmup then a couple of .10 mile striders to turn the legs over at 6:40/6:15 pace. Keep incline at 1.0% grade entire session.

Short intervals x 5 then two surges for the main workout.

.20 mile @ 6:28 pace/ .20 mile @ 6:18 pace/ .20 mile @ 6:11 pace/ .30 mile @ 6:00 pace/ .25 mile at 6:07 pace then 2 x .10 mile surges @ 5:48/5:26 pace. Recovery jogs of .20 mile at 7:30-7:42 pace between intervals then cooldown jog.
