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8:20 AM

2.4 mi


28 F


Warmup for 2 mile race at Forest Park. 28 degrees with 20-25 mph gusts from SW direction. Rode up with Chuck Dobbs. He was telling me about last year's 4 mile race when it was 5 degrees with a -10 windchill. No thanks.

Easy 2+ miles as we ran the course and checked out the finish area. Two things jumped out immediately. The bridge we were running over at about the 1/2 mile and 1 1/2 mile marks was completely ice covered. Secondly, the race takes a 90 degree turn onto a sidewalk that snakes around for the last 200 meters. Right where you came off the road was a 15' sheet of ice and as you followed the sidewalk toward the finish you will need to negotiate 3-4 additional patches across the walkway. Was kind of hoping they would break up the ice and dump icemelt across these areas. My wish did not come true, unfortunately.

4 striders and some drills prior to start of race.
