Run: Interval Previous Next


5:00 PM

4.3 mi


Wanted to do the intervals on the track but raining and afraid of slipping so did it on the TM

1.0 miles in 6:00 then 4 min recovery jog at 8.0-8.5 mph.

.30 miles x 4 then .40 miles x 1 with progressive speeds of 10.2/10.4/10.6/10.8/11.0 mph with two min recovery jogs at 8.5 mph.

Kept TM at 1.5% incline the entire session. Entire interval session felt pretty easy but didn't want to push it any further/faster. The 1 mile repeat at 6 flat felt very comfortable.



11 mph on a TM? Taylor had his going at 12 mph. Dang, how do you guys hop on and off those things and stay upright?


Those particular TMs are pretty smooth. However, no room for error so have to pay attention. I imagine you would shoot off the back pretty quickly if you made a mis-step.