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7:45 AM

8 mi


45 F


Nice morning. Actually feels cold but after this summer I'm not bitching. Plan is 6 x 1 mile repeats at goal 10K pace with 3 min recovery jog between reps. Bram and I are out and only other people in the park at 7:00 are the midnight b-ball crowd but they vacate after the sun is up around 7:30. Their rock was probably calling.

1.10 miles: 6:31 with splits of 5:55/:35; .32 mile recovery jog in 3:10

1.10 miles: 6:31 with splits of 5:53/:38; .29 mile recovery jog in 2:48

1.10 miles: 6:26 with splits of 5:52/:35; .32 mile recovery jog in 2:58

1.06 miles: 6:22 with splits of 5:56/:26; .30 mile recovery jog in 2:58

1.07 miles: 6:21 with splits of 5:55/:26; .29 mile recovery jog in 2:56

1.07 miles: 6:16 with splits of 5:49/:27

Overall a good session. This workout is suppose to be a good indicator of what can be run on a 10K course. I am a little skeptical; I am happy to run all of the repeats at sub-6 min pace but stringing 5-6 miles together without the benefit of a 3 min jog between each will be much, much tougher. That being said, it is a good starting point as far as overall aerobic conditioning is concerned. That fact that we were not wiped out after the repeats is also encouraging.

Repeats 1-3 felt easy; 4-5 a bit of a struggle but felt controlled and 6th repeat also felt fairly easy. Don't need my mile repeats any lower for goal time but will probably start to drop the recovery time incrementally as the cycle progresses.

Post workout: Had to stick my R foot in an ice bath after my mowing session; I do believe that is going to be the wildcard for the next 1-2 months. I may have to get creative and see how much I can get from minimal training leading up to the next couple of races.
