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8:00 AM

5 km


5:38 mi


54 F

Race Result

1 / 53 (1.9%)
1 / 21 (4.8%)
  • Map


Almost perfect morning to race. Thought I would have a rabbit this morning but he must have slept in today.

Splits: 5:35/5:44 [11:20]/5:33 [16:54]/ :35 for the last .11 miles for 5:18 kick

Great course with good lines to run. Only time you have to slow is at the turnaround on the trail at the 1.80 mile mark. Shannon Daniels, the RD, put on a very nice race with good course support and nice awards. Well done.

Felt easy the first mile, felt myself drop back to 10k effort pace several times during the second mile. Pushing fairly hard on the first part of the 3rd mile by focusing on maintaining quicker turnover.

Attempted to "kick" just prior to going under the bridge, which was the 2.75 mile mark..... did not happen, thus see the 5:18 pace on final kick which was, IMO, poor.

Was able to go under the 17:30 mark for the second time this year to go along with my 17:30 at Chaffee Race for the Cure in Feb.

47 y/o male time of 17:29 = 15:40 age-graded result and 82.37% age-performance.

2nd place guy over 2 min back. Very nice plaque and CBEM hits an even dozen OA victories for the 2012 season. Hopefully, we can reel in a few more and make it an MVP year.



Good win today. Great time. Perfect mornings don't always happen on race days.